Friday, October 5, 2012

Take the steps and vote

Not bothering to vote is like expecting a bullseye and never throwing a dart.

Your last chance to register for voting is Monday, Oct. 8.

Registering is the first of the two-step process in participating in this beautiful federal constitutional republic. After you register, you must complete the last step: actually casting your ballot.

Pick an issue, any issue, if you don’t care who wins or you don’t know who to vote for. Vote according to a party’s stance on it and stick with them. Your party typically won’t change their minds on it, or budge even a little bit.

If you’re against gun control, vote Republican.

If you’re pro-choice, vote Democrat.

If you’re for military spending and lower taxes, vote Republican.

If you’re for a hands-on government approach to healthcare, vote Democrat.

You could go green if you don’t feel like going red or blue – whatever floats your boat.

If you didn’t catch the first of four presidential debates on Wednesday that covered domestic issues, that’s okay. I’m sure Fox News or NPR can fill you in or you can watch it on YouTube yourself.

There is a make-up though. John Stewart and Bill O’Reilly will be holding a live debate on Saturday, Oct. 6.

So vote. Let your voice be heard, because there is nothing worse than a person who complains about the system and won’t take five minutes of their time to help change it.

Follow this link to register to vote, unless the clipboard-strapped activists outside Gray Wolf Hall have already gotten to you.

Story by Christian Zerbel


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