Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Marvel babies hits comic stands

Hard core Marvel Comic fan boys are mouth breathing with glee to the launch of marvels newest character design; the Marvel baby.
Months of teaser images left us all wondering what they were thinking taking their shot at another flop but now the Lithographs and variant covers are here and being grabbed of the shelf with super speed. Marvel, being as cool as a polar bear’s toe nails, released A-babies versus X-babies which show case baby Avengers fighting baby X-Men.
The tots have a neighborhood royal rumble after Cyclops of the X-Men takes Bucky Bear away from Captain America’s crib and won’t give it back.
With over 40 fan-favorite characters appearing in the book, it’s bound to make anybody appreciate Marvel a little more for their shear genius. But don’t forget to thank Chris Claremont, who pioneered the way over 22 years ago.
This led to a type of x-babies in the late 90’s that portrayed the characters to be between the ages of eight and 10 and was highly unpopular, also occurring during a time when Marvel was facing bankruptcy.These babies are between the ages of four and six, which leaves it even more unrealistic for super heroes, but so cool because they don’t have adult personalities like they did previously; they are completely child-like.
“I under ordered because I had no idea they would be so hugely popular; it was a mistake, I know, because almost everyone that comes in asks about them and right now I am sold out until my new shipment arrives,” said the owner of Mill Geek Comics.
If you’re a Marvel fan I suggest you Google image these terrific tots and get on board.
Story by Danny Taylor


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